Governor Brown Appoints New DRE Commissioner

Governor Edmund G. Brown announced the appointment of Wayne Bell as the commissioner of the California Dept. of Real Estate. Bell, a long-time real estate broker, has been chief counsel and assistant commissioner for legal policy and recovery at the California Dept. of Real Estate since 2006. He was special counsel and director of homeownership at the California Housing Finance Agency from 2003-2006 and deputy secretary and general counsel at the California Business, Transportation and Housing Agency from 1999 to 2003.

C.A.R. supports the governor’s decision to appoint Bell. In April 2011, C.A.R. convened a special committee to meet with nearly a dozen applicants for the position and who sought C.A.R.’s endorsement.  After multiple meetings with the candidates themselves and weeks of internal discussions and review of their qualifications, it was clear that Mr. Bell stood out from the rest.


In addition to his demonstrated qualifications through multiple gubernatorial administrations and regulatory assignments, throughout his tenure with the state of California, Bell also has met with C.A.R.’s Board of Directors.


This position requires Senate confirmation.
